Today I leave for the United States after roughly an 8 month stint of being in the Philippines to serve the Lord and grow in relationship with him. He has built me up on the foundations of his Word and also in binding me with a great spiritual family consisting of such a variety and color of unique individuals that I continued to be amazed and learn from as I explore what the Lord has blessed them with.

Despedida with Victory Quezon City family
At the same time I was about to leave for the States, my brother Johnathon and fiancé Moina had visited me here in Manila for 2 weeks. My prayers for their visit was that Moina and I could continue to prepare for our wedding this year set to be September 26 and that Johnathon would experience God greatly and be exposed to truth. God’s timing will show the fruit and faithfulness he constantly displays.

Despedida with Victory Fort family
The more I reflect on my time this past year as a follower of Jesus the more I am so thankful and am amazed at all the things God has been doing in my life. I am fully aware of the differences from my life before June 8, 2008 when I verbally expressed my commitment to Jesus and God and his will for my life to Moina over the phone, compared to how it is now with me consciously growing in God’s Word from the Bible and being in constant guidance by the Holy Spirit and non-stop communication wit God throughout each day through prayer. I am sensitive to his teachings and the desires he puts in my heart to serve his purpose. I pray that this continues to grow as I submit my life to love him above all else and love all the people that he puts in front of me and connects me with.
The despedida (going-away parties) that my friends had thrown for Johnathon, Moina and I revealed something that I was unaware of and that gave me insight even more on what I should concentrate for all relationships. The love of the brothers and sisters in Jesus that God connected me with is something that has kept me on fire and helped me stay established on the right and good path. God allowed me to grow and serve others with each and every one of these people. The list if I made it is probably between 50 – 100 people that I was closely connected with, that in one way or another had taught me a great deal of my relationship with God and the truth in his teachings and Word. I can’t fathom how I was able to be linked so closely with all these people but all I know is that everything is possible when God shows you his will for your life and you follow.
The greatest thing I have learned throughout these past 8 months in the Philippines can be summed up in the following:
- Obedience
It is by far the most critical thing to do once you have heard or read God’s Word. It’s like reading the instructions of the owner’s manual to an appliance to know how to operate it and following them to detail. You might end up breaking it if you didn’t pay careful attention for each steps that is listed. Worse case you may end up hurting others. Following God’s lead and carefully obeying what he revealed to me kept me safe. When there was a disobedience, that is when I fell into trouble or got off path. I have seen this from my own experience and others. I’d rather learn from others. - ActionThis is similar to obedience but more so of just starting the momentum of all the blessings that get poured out once you follow God’s Word and will for your life. Again, everyday is not filled with smooth sailing but action and obedience keeps you directed toward what is good and away from what can cause destruction. I was lead to this revelation by the Holy Spirit one day on the frequent Monday basketball games I would participate in with friends and brothers from Victory Quezon City. If you are on offense, opportunities rarely arise if you stay in one place expecting the ball to come to you or expect the play to be favorable for your team to score. It is highly advantageous to move around and “create” opportunities, all the more likely that something will present itself for your to jump on or take action in order to score.
- GraceI fall into sin each and every day. There has been no day where I didn’t sin, and this is true for all people. I have come to see that majority of us are not aware of what we do. All the more that we need to study the Bible and be aware and be watchful so that we don’t lead ourselves or others into a destructive nature or consequence. Unfortunately, we are all sinful so in one way or another myself or others will fall into unfavorable circumstances. I have learned that it is how you respond to these situations, whether the situations are favorable or not that determines your spiritual maturity. But in either case, it is by what God provides and gives everyday that even determines where we are as of now. No matter how much I read the Bible, pray or try to do good deeds determines if I remain in favorable circumstances. That’s not what is about. It’s about understanding that God determines what you have or don’t have, and you are to be as responsible as much as you can with what he gives, and to understand even if you have a little that’s already a lot.
I am thankful that I can repent, be forgiven and choose to turn to Jesus for help and to live a new life from the condemnation of sin. Even though I fall, God gives me grace to remain out of sin’s hold and I can be joyful and in peace in the freedom of living my life for him and through him. Even the more I am thankful that I have come to know and understand that I will not die with the world and all its temporary pleasures since I have full faith that Jesus died for my sins and was resurrected, and because of my faith (or trust) in Jesus has granted me eternal life already. Everything I do now is an understanding of this truth, and all that I do is try to obey all he commands. But he supplies enough grace (something given and not deserved, without merit) for me to function on the daily; through all the frustrations, temptations, and sins of others against me and sins from myself to others. I am strong through Jesus and I thank God so much for the grace he has given me. - LoveI never knew what love was before I started the intimate relationship with God. I always had it confused with temporary and fickle feelings of excitement for others, I didn’t understand the difference of love between a man and a woman, and the love one feels for the love of family and friends, or the love you feel for someone you don’t even know when you see them in unfavorable conditions. I would relate this latter just to compassion. But now that I know love and knowing that it comes from God and “is” God, everything makes sense now. It can literally move mountains or move things that seemed unmovable, it literally changes someone from the inside-out or 180 degrees from how they lived all their life, and knowing love defines all that you do and is what motivates you, day in and day out. Think about it. What motivates you? You’re always looking for that love. For some, it’s love of money. For others, it’s love of lust. It is only now that I choose the love of God, and I have seen for myself and from others how it can change anything and everything.
When I first came to the Philippines, I really didn’t have an idea how I was going to change poverty while I was there. I just knew that it was in my heart to do something about it and I knew there would be millions that will be effected in the work that I would participate in. I just didn’t know to what detail that would be. I first started thinking that it would be some sort of revolution to the political climate and government, but then that really didn’t follow God’s word of peace. And then I thought it would be radically transforming what the people did for money so they could get themselves out of poverty, but then that didn’t line up with how other people can exploit or sin against another, thus keeping others to remain in poverty. God revealed one day in the Bible from a saying from Jesus, “The poor you will always have with you” (Mark 4:17) so I was wondering, “then what am I here for God?” The Holy Spirit one day revealed that the only true change that could happen was in the heart and mind and soul of a person. The underlying values, passions and desires of a person, if in alignment with God and his Word would radically transform that person, and in turn effect everyone around them as they would be a witness to a changed life and teach others of what they have gone through and what the truth says from God’s Word. This is where literally millions if not billions will be changed, exponentially, all starting from each and every person you have a relationship with and what you share and then in turn them sharing it with others. God will make it grow in his timing and in his will. This love conquers all and moves all.
Thank you God for everything. All this is for you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
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