Today was fruitful for each and every brother God linked me up with today.
We are on the 33rd chapter out of 40 of the Purpose Driven Life book and God is guiding us through how we are created for his pleasure, that we are created to be part of his family, that we are created to be like his son Jesus, that we are to serve based on our SHAPE: S.piritual gifts, H.eart, A.bilities, P.ersonality and E.xperience, and that we are created for a mission. Alain is continuing to bear good fruit, no matter the circumstance, and I thank the Lord for his strong presence and constant grace and love that he gives to both of us and those around us.

Today is our 3rd meeting for Victory Church’s 1-to-1 booklet, which is provided by the church (50 pesos) to disciple and prepare members or new-comers for a weekend retreat called Victory Weekend. This prepares people to further understand their relationship with God and enable them continue their walk strongly in honoring God and making disciples as we are commanded to do. I see how God is continuing to give Jaime clarity and how he is opening up to others around him.

Meeting at Ken Afford Filipino restaurant, we went to Kopi Roti off of Katipunan road to get some dessert and coffee. My friend Patrick blessed me with a Recovery Version Bible that just has new testament but there is some details for particular verses within each book of the Bible. God always shows grace and fruit. The conversation lead from confessed sin, to how God is working in his life through different girls and brothers, and how God’s and his Word is the only true thing that will change someone’s life. Towards the end the truth was revealed of a fear. A fear that he will never find the one, true girl in his life. The one that he is supposed to marry. The one that will make him experience complete joy and happiness.

I have come to see we are all looking for this. And before I started my relationship with God and before trusting my life to Jesus, I always felt an emptiness and was searching to fill that hole or that gap or that dissatisfaction. Our common mistake is that we tend to look for it in front of us, behind us, and to all the sides. We neglect to look first where we will find that person, and we actually make the mistake that we think it’s in a person. We are to look toward God first, to have a relationship with him first, so we can trust in his knowledge and truth on how we are to be, who we are to be with (if that’s his will for our lives), and when that will be.
When you understand whom God is, how he is your entire life, everything falls into place and you accept the completeness that he makes. The void is filled and each and everyday of your life is filled with joy, peace, faithfulness, love, kindness, gentleness, self-control…all the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Whether you have a wife or not, you are complete. Whether you have money or not, you are complete. Whether you are in favorable circumstances or not, you are complete. This is the life that I would love to know and be in, and that I am living in now. It’s because of me knowing intimately now whom God is, how he wants me to live my life, and with whom I am to live my life with now. I live my life now with Moina, my immediate family, my friends, the community in the Philippines and in Los Angeles, people across the states in New York, Illinois, people back in all around the Philippines, people I don’t even know their names, the kids in Barangay Arboretum, the new people I meet through brothers and sisters at church, the people I meet in passing…everyone! He wants me to live with all these people. To have true, authentic, deep relationship with them in love, encouragement, praying and God at the center. They will come to know Jesus in one way or another, God willing.
More and more I see we will learn from God, people and our experiences for all the days of our lives. The more I see and am thankful that we have Jesus and God’s Word for each and every one of those days to lean on for understanding, help and strength. Thank you Jesus.
I pray Lord, thank you for the blessing on growing with these brothers and being able to share your Word and the testimony of how Jesus has changed my life. Each and every time Father I learn more and more and grow in faith and trust in you Jesus. Holy Spirit, be with each and every one of these brothers so they continue to grow their desire to seek and live by your Word, guide them to truth and understanding and wisdom for their life, and that they can turn away from all the patterns of this world and truly test and approve your good, pleasing and perfect will, from now and for the rest of the days of their lives. Thank you God for always showing faithfulness and answering prayers, and I thank you Lord for your love and unconditional grace. In Jesus loving name I pray. Amen.
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