I came across this website today as I was doing research for a client and I saw this video below from a company called Common Craft, http://www.commoncraft.com/. I somehow came across http://www.twitter.com/, a website that allows people to share short messages to each other as they go throughout their day. The easiest way to do this is to enable your mobile phone to send message to your twitter account, and people subscribe or add you as their contact so they are notified if you send an update. On http://www.twitter.com/, they had a video to explain what twitter is and it was amazing to watch the simplicity in the presentation.
Common Craft’s vision and mission is to create online videos that “are short, simple and focused on making complex ideas easy to understand. We use a whiteboard-and-paper format we call Paperworks that is designed to cut out the noise and stick to what matters.”
As I was watching this I was reflecting on how I have been using technology to share with others through my blog http://forhispeople.blogspot.com/ what I have been learning about my relationship with God, the life of Jesus and how the Bible has been the foundation of all that I do now because of his teachings and how the relationship has been growing. The other form of technology I’m using is Instant Chat messages (such as Yahoo Messenger, AIM, or MSN Messenger) to discuss and share links to websites like this online Bible to share verses called BibleGateway: http://www.biblegateway.com/. On a daily I have been able to see how constant communication through the blog and chat messages with friends around the world has been able to start opening the eyes and hearts of people looking for answers to their questions.

More and more I see how God is allowing us to connect with each other through the use of technology and the possibilities of exposing people to truth with access that was not there years ago.
Thank you God for this opportunity and blessing and I pray that you lead us Lord for understanding, wisdom and will to act on what you would like us to do with the technology to share the Good News to all around the community and the world. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
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