Just got back from hanging out with my cousin, Kuya Bong, that was visiting from Calbayog. He was with his wife, Ate Malou, and their son, Jhay. They attended a worship and prayer conference that was held at Cuneta Astrodome in Pasay. I was supposed to go to Cebu this past weekend but God lined up a few interesting obstacles that changed my course for the weekend:
- My clothes from the laundry service got misplaced and made me miss my flight
- When I went to reschedule my flight, to reschedule cost me 2/3rd of my round trip ticket.
- I got food/water poisoning that Friday morning so I was in bed all day yesterday and still feel queasy today
In all this I learned that (1) the majority of my plans always change and you just have to learn how to adapt to the change quickly, (2) God opens or closes doors depending if he wants you to have or be in a certain place at a certain time, and (3) never to eat at this place called Binalot ever again.
If one door closes, there are always other doors that open. This time around, the church I go to, Victory Church of Quezon City, have a few volunteers putting together a video for some Leader’s meeting. My friends Zandro, Bimbo, Pons and I were interviewed for the outreach and ministry we are doing out in Barangay Arboretum. If that video can inspire more brothers or sisters to come out and minister to a poor community, that would be awesome. Another thing that came up was that I was able to spend time with a cousin that I haven’t seen since 2004. The thing that is special about this meeting tonight was that I was able to find out more about the life of my cousin and his wife and their children, how they serve Jesus Christ, and the people that they are involved with.

Pons, Zandro and Bimbo: brothers in action, Arboretum volunteers

Hanging out at church
Kuya Bong has been a pastor now at a church in Calbayog for 3 years now, but prior to that, him and his wife were helping street children in Manila to return to their families or to go back to school, helped some get jobs, and helped some get saved from the destructive lives they were in. Individuals that have been through the same experiences as those they are trying to help are most effective; Kuya Bong holds true to this statement. It was only until tonight did I hear a little bit more about how he lived his life in the last 20 years and he's perfect to be able to reach out to these kids and since for the past 23 years he has started his family, he yet has another multitude of things to be able to help others with. I felt the Holy Spirit’s presence as him and his wife were telling me of their lives and how God has been providing for their family throughout the years. And now I see how he is working in mine, and slowly on my immediate family’s life. I love you God.
Tonight I was exposed to my first time about the Gospel of the Kingdom. Pastor Boy was speaking to me about how he would preach the Gospel of Salvation before but about 4 years ago how he saw how more effective that he would share the truth about the Kingdom of God, and once people asked how they can receive the Kingdom of God, that he would then tell them about the Way through Jesus Christ. I see that all aspects of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the stories, laws, history, all that is written in the Bible is important in people coming to understand and to begin to know God. I pray that we all come to truth and wisdom, guided by the Holy Spirit, so that we can live our lives the way God wants us to live it. As was relayed to me by my Uncle Enjick, Pastor Jon Stovall, my mentor Rocky and a few other mentors; when something is presented to you that references God, Jesus or truth, make sure that is in the Bible and it’s in the correct context.
New brothers and sisters from Jesus is our Refuge church, in Project 4. My cousins Kuya Bong and Ate Malou are on the top left.
I know I wasn’t able to spend time in Cebu with my cousins Candy and Dodong, and my Godson Leo, but I know that there were important lessons to be learned and shared to build the Kingdom of God and to glorify Jesus. I know to my friends back in the States that it’s difficult to understand the words that I write and its perspective. I can look at them both from the eyes of someone that has been following Jesus for a long time as well as someone that doesn’t even know a religion or think spiritually. I was reminded by my cousin Kuya Bong, “You don’t have to point out the things in their lives or the things around them, just share yourself and show them you.” The changes in your life and in your heart, and what is close to your mind and your soul, will automatically show. I pray that it’s always the Holy Spirit that is guiding my life so all that people see is constantly love from God and truth from his Word.
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