The past 5 days I’ve just been going around and meeting with people. Last Monday I was able to meet with Alex to talk about some things he was going through. Every night I am able to meet with Alain to continue our journey through the Purpose Driven Life by pastor Rick Warren. It’s such a great book and I see how an understanding of God and love continues to grow. It’s a blessing to see Alain continue to grow his relationship with Jesus at the same time.

Surfing in County Line, California
I was supposed to go with a friend surfing in an area here called La Union. I didn’t have any extra funds to go there but I already have a commitment to my friend and brother Alain to meet with him everyday for 40 days. I commit to this with such a joy as I get to have close and authentic fellowship with a brother and we are growing together with the Lord. I commit to this with such a joy because I’m doing it with Jesus for Jesus so that we can understand the teachings in the Bible and how he wants us to be and what we are to do for our lives for him.
I have been tested on this and seen people in my life tested on commitment. We learn about commitment from God in how he continues to work on our hearts even though we are fickle with our faithfulness. He continues to love us even though we continue to sin and get caught up with the things of this world. He’s committed to us as I see more and more of how he moves in people’s hearts to make a difference in people’s lives, to help them in their trials, to help carry their burdens in their suffering, and to encourage them to learn more about the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, and his Word.
Thank you God for all you do for us. Thank you God for saving me.
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