Tuesday, 9:12am – Mandaluyong, Philippines
“23When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. 24He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.”
Acts 11:23,24
Reading this verse today, I have come to learn today that Barnabas was a great encourager of Paul and Mark and of the new Christians in the early church when they set off on their ministry to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is great to see and learn about as God has been revealing to me in the past 4 days that this is what He has set forth for me to be talented at. God has given me this natural ability that I will be responsible with and continue to do so, strongly, with the Holy Spirit, to lift up all those around me. God has been grooming me for this ever since I was young up to present:
- from encouraging the under dogs and those that were bullied in grade school up until now
- from helping those that lacked talent or ability in a group project or in a social setting
- to encourage my friends always in whatever troubles they were facing
- to encourage my road racing motorcycle team and friends whenever they doubted their abilities
- to encourage youth to be their best and how to realize their dreams through a non-profit organization I worked with called Racers Who Care
- to encourage co-workers and colleagues on projects to finish them diligently and with accuracy
- to encourage Christians and non-Christians of the Word and of love and how we should live our lives with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Those that help me when I question are reminded. Things that I learn I boldly share like a child excited to first learn of the alphabet or their multiplication table.
Thank you God for showing me and leading me to understand this. To know your talents and purpose allows you to cultivate it and drives you with more focus, determination and joy. Especially for God. All for You, Jesus.

Fixing my motorcycle. Teammates Alex and Jason working diligently. They saved the day, I lost my motorcycle key the day of the big race!

Close friends from Burbank where I grew up. From a birthday bbq on May 31, 2008.

Racers Who Care presentation to kids at the Hollywood Community Center on July 30, 2008. Presentation was on tips for kids to achieve their dreams and goals.
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