Tuesday, October 14, 2008

In all that you do, praise God

9:38am – Mandaluyong, Philippines
Talking to Moina again and just sharing, also of reflecting on being able to balance your life, spending time with the Bible, church, fellowship, and outside activities; it’s important that in all that we do, we praise God. He provided us everything; our life, our family, our friends, our food, our shelter, our talents, our health…everything. So it only makes sense that in all that we do we praise Him, whether it’s even enjoying an activity with friends like Karaoke or going out on a field trip our outing to the beach, to reflect on His greatness, to be able to share with other in the activity you are doing, or even in your work to be able to keep Him at your center so either what you produce or the people you interact with see the light of God in you.

This makes me reflect on all these blogs or websites or social networking sites I’m on. It’s good to be able to show your personality but for me, before I became a Christian, I really wanted to show-off and portray myself in a light of greatness and coolness, really just lift myself up. Man, I even have my own website, haha, www.ryanregalado.com, before it was actually for sponsors to view my motorcycle racing results but then I also had in the back of my mind, “yeah, people will be able to see cool photos and see my championships and just learn more about me, me me.” I’m starting to see that these sites can now be used to praise God and show others of how He changes people. These people that frequented the site before can witness how a love for God is shown from one person that recently came to believe in Jesus Christ, that all that they were into before has now changed to something better, where there is truth and peace.

I just started a Multiply profile on http://ryanregalado.multiply.com, the social networking site of choice here in the Philippines. The majority of my friends from church are on here. These websites will gradually portray my love for Jesus and praising of God, it will start to focus less on myself and more on all the great people that I have come across to witness and share God’s love with; the brothers and sisters in the body of Christ (believers) and all my friends back home that have not come to know Him yet (non-believers). I love all my friends and family the same, and even more now knowing and reflecting constantly of the source of where that love comes from, which is and always has been God.


Freddi922 said...

I am blown away bro.. before I checked this site, i had no idea your strength in the lord. Im blown away...

Ryan Regalado said...

Thank you for viewing Freddi. That's all from the Lord bro, I love him so much for showing me.