Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I will never forget

11:43AM – Mandaluyong, PhilippinesI just got off the phone with a family member in the States and I have to say my faith in God is being tested. It’s being tested in a way that I have not seen answered prayers for several people in my life, blood family and friends. I have prayed for certain things in their life that I believe are in God’s will and character, but they do not seem to be happening or being answered. I thought and prayed for this before, of all the things that I have seen that happened to me for me to believe in God and Jesus Christ, I prayed that I would never forget so that in times of trials or testing of my faith that I would remain strong. I will not forget all that He has done and shown me.

I have faith that God will bring these people in my life to Him and to understand and know Him. They will always have to choose but I believe God will soften their hearts and show them undeniably that He is real and true, so the only thing to do that made sense, as I did, was to believe in Him. I love You God, I will not ever forget all the things you have shown me. Holy Father, I pray that every person in this world will come to know You, and I pray that all Christians tested in their faith will always remember what You have shown them, and that are faith remains strong and increases and we can continue to grow our love for You and everyone in this world. Holy God, I pray we all come to understand and have faith in Your perfect timing and plan, and pray that our prayers whether we see results physically or not, that we are given insight and wisdom You are answering them. I love You God, in Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen.

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