Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Can We Forgive God?
Yesterday I had a chance to hang out with small group (Bible study group) and a sister named Star shared the Word with us. The study was about spiritual muscle and how we are encouraged to take in and exercise our faith, both in taking in God’s Word and also being able to do something with it, either in obeying or sharing it with others. It is great to see the variety and uniqueness that he has created in others as it showed how everyone has their own teaching style. It was awesome to participate in because it was a new way to learn and it was refreshing.
The night was blessed with an opportunity to listen to another brother (follower of Jesus) of things that have been going on in his relationship with the Lord. It made me reflect just now if there is anytime where we would have to forgive God of doing something in our lives. Jesus teaches us of the forgiveness he has given to us because of our sinful nature, and how we need that forgiveness since God the Father has to pass judgement because of his righteousness. Knowing, understanding and accepting that forgiveness and believing or having faith or trust that through Jesus this is true, you are saved, meaning you do not die when your body dies but you have eternal life and you will be resurrected as Jesus was in order to complete the work and purpose that he was set out to do.
So is there any time that we have to forgive God? From reflecting on it the answer is no. We find all throughout scripture that God is perfect. God is just. God is righteous so he is always right and is good. If that’s the case, then all that he does “is for the good of those who love him”. That encompassing “all” I have learned to embrace. That “all” is what I feel we get hung up on because that “all” often at times we don’t think it may be an unfavorable circumstance. But so far, thank you Lord that through every unfavorable circumstance I have come to be blessed with revelation and insight of the reason for things through patience, reflection, spending time with him in prayer and his Word, and ultimately, just by his grace. I turn to you Lord for what is best for me, what is my way to go, and what is my path. I surrender to your will because I have learned my will always lead to death. I pray everyone on this earth Lord comes to know you God and learns of the patience and gains the perseverance and endurance necessary to fight the good fight and to live by faith. I want life. I want you Jesus. In your name I pray. I love you. Amen.
Romans 8:28
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
2 Corinthians 12:8-10
‘Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.’
John 14:6
‘Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”’
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Decision to make this weekend: Motorcycles or fellowship?
Wednesday, 5:10pm – Irvine, California, USA
It’s been 2 weeks since I blogged, and it’s becoming less and less frequent. It just seems that this is where it’s being led as I have been getting reacquainted to the way of life here in California. I have been balancing work schedule, spending time with family and friends, trying to find a Church to worship with, preparing for mine and Moina’s wedding for this September 26 and also doing recreational things like rock climbing, surfing and riding motorcycles. There was some insight before from talks with a Bible Study group once with the Victory Fort brothers and sisters and also an excerpt from the Purpose Driven Life Book: know what God’s purpose and will for your life is, and you will make decisions on the daily, and in every instance, to do the things that will support that. If you are not in sync, you may make decisions for activities or scenarios based on your mood, feelings and emotions at the time. But if you are in sync with God, from spending time to get to know him, pray and listen, then you will know and be in alignment with his desires. You will make decisions that support those desires. You will actually get to free your time up more because then there will be no more extra-curricular things you do that will take up your time. I learned that this week.
I had the opportunity today to make a decision for this weekend. I have a choice to either:
A. Go motorcycle track riding with some friends in Nevada, and serve some
unbelievers that may need some time spent in talking through issues they are
going through.B. Spend time with my sister on Friday for lunch, then some brothers for
accountability in the evening, and then on Saturday go check out a wedding
location with Moina.
For some I can imagine it’s a no-brainer either way. I’m sure some guys will be saying, “Dude! Go ride the track!” And then I can here some sisters saying, “Ryan, go spend time with your family, brothers and Moina!” In either case, this opportunity made me turn to God and pray, and to see what I should do. I always pray to God that he puts the desire in my heart to where he wants me to go and also to either open or close the doors to direct me so that I know it’s from him. In both cases, I would be serving and glorifying God. But where does he want me to go?
Well, a few things happened in the past 2 days:
- I don’t have money to go motorcycle track riding. So that right there was door #1 closed.
- I met with my mentor Rocky today and he provided insight that God will lead where I should spend my time. Motorcycle riding is what I want to do, but the true joy that I have learned and fully embrace now are relationships. I can cultivate relationships if I go ride motorcycles, but all the more that my immediate responsibilities are with family, brothers and most of all, my wife-to-be.
These past 2 weeks I have seen from others and my own life that I just really need to slow down, not have any expectations, and just continue in spending time with God to talk and listen to where he wants me to serve. Coming back to the United States from the Philippines has shown an influx of opportunities to get stuck in worldly activities, but God has protected my path by making sure that in all situations, I am to meditate on him and his Word to stay in alignment and in the right step. I can ride motorcycles and still glorify and praise God while doing it but the question was really where my heart was, what my priorities were, and where does God want me.
Thank you Lord for answering my prayers on what I should do this weekend, and where I can serve you and the people around me. I pray Father for continued guidance, receptiveness in your leading, and strength to follow your will. Use me Lord to glorify your name and build your Kingdom. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What I learned in the Philippines, thank you Lord for this spiritual family
Today I leave for the United States after roughly an 8 month stint of being in the Philippines to serve the Lord and grow in relationship with him. He has built me up on the foundations of his Word and also in binding me with a great spiritual family consisting of such a variety and color of unique individuals that I continued to be amazed and learn from as I explore what the Lord has blessed them with.

Despedida with Victory Quezon City family
At the same time I was about to leave for the States, my brother Johnathon and fiancĂ© Moina had visited me here in Manila for 2 weeks. My prayers for their visit was that Moina and I could continue to prepare for our wedding this year set to be September 26 and that Johnathon would experience God greatly and be exposed to truth. God’s timing will show the fruit and faithfulness he constantly displays.

Despedida with Victory Fort family
The more I reflect on my time this past year as a follower of Jesus the more I am so thankful and am amazed at all the things God has been doing in my life. I am fully aware of the differences from my life before June 8, 2008 when I verbally expressed my commitment to Jesus and God and his will for my life to Moina over the phone, compared to how it is now with me consciously growing in God’s Word from the Bible and being in constant guidance by the Holy Spirit and non-stop communication wit God throughout each day through prayer. I am sensitive to his teachings and the desires he puts in my heart to serve his purpose. I pray that this continues to grow as I submit my life to love him above all else and love all the people that he puts in front of me and connects me with.
The despedida (going-away parties) that my friends had thrown for Johnathon, Moina and I revealed something that I was unaware of and that gave me insight even more on what I should concentrate for all relationships. The love of the brothers and sisters in Jesus that God connected me with is something that has kept me on fire and helped me stay established on the right and good path. God allowed me to grow and serve others with each and every one of these people. The list if I made it is probably between 50 – 100 people that I was closely connected with, that in one way or another had taught me a great deal of my relationship with God and the truth in his teachings and Word. I can’t fathom how I was able to be linked so closely with all these people but all I know is that everything is possible when God shows you his will for your life and you follow.
The greatest thing I have learned throughout these past 8 months in the Philippines can be summed up in the following:
- Obedience
It is by far the most critical thing to do once you have heard or read God’s Word. It’s like reading the instructions of the owner’s manual to an appliance to know how to operate it and following them to detail. You might end up breaking it if you didn’t pay careful attention for each steps that is listed. Worse case you may end up hurting others. Following God’s lead and carefully obeying what he revealed to me kept me safe. When there was a disobedience, that is when I fell into trouble or got off path. I have seen this from my own experience and others. I’d rather learn from others. - ActionThis is similar to obedience but more so of just starting the momentum of all the blessings that get poured out once you follow God’s Word and will for your life. Again, everyday is not filled with smooth sailing but action and obedience keeps you directed toward what is good and away from what can cause destruction. I was lead to this revelation by the Holy Spirit one day on the frequent Monday basketball games I would participate in with friends and brothers from Victory Quezon City. If you are on offense, opportunities rarely arise if you stay in one place expecting the ball to come to you or expect the play to be favorable for your team to score. It is highly advantageous to move around and “create” opportunities, all the more likely that something will present itself for your to jump on or take action in order to score.
- GraceI fall into sin each and every day. There has been no day where I didn’t sin, and this is true for all people. I have come to see that majority of us are not aware of what we do. All the more that we need to study the Bible and be aware and be watchful so that we don’t lead ourselves or others into a destructive nature or consequence. Unfortunately, we are all sinful so in one way or another myself or others will fall into unfavorable circumstances. I have learned that it is how you respond to these situations, whether the situations are favorable or not that determines your spiritual maturity. But in either case, it is by what God provides and gives everyday that even determines where we are as of now. No matter how much I read the Bible, pray or try to do good deeds determines if I remain in favorable circumstances. That’s not what is about. It’s about understanding that God determines what you have or don’t have, and you are to be as responsible as much as you can with what he gives, and to understand even if you have a little that’s already a lot.
I am thankful that I can repent, be forgiven and choose to turn to Jesus for help and to live a new life from the condemnation of sin. Even though I fall, God gives me grace to remain out of sin’s hold and I can be joyful and in peace in the freedom of living my life for him and through him. Even the more I am thankful that I have come to know and understand that I will not die with the world and all its temporary pleasures since I have full faith that Jesus died for my sins and was resurrected, and because of my faith (or trust) in Jesus has granted me eternal life already. Everything I do now is an understanding of this truth, and all that I do is try to obey all he commands. But he supplies enough grace (something given and not deserved, without merit) for me to function on the daily; through all the frustrations, temptations, and sins of others against me and sins from myself to others. I am strong through Jesus and I thank God so much for the grace he has given me. - LoveI never knew what love was before I started the intimate relationship with God. I always had it confused with temporary and fickle feelings of excitement for others, I didn’t understand the difference of love between a man and a woman, and the love one feels for the love of family and friends, or the love you feel for someone you don’t even know when you see them in unfavorable conditions. I would relate this latter just to compassion. But now that I know love and knowing that it comes from God and “is” God, everything makes sense now. It can literally move mountains or move things that seemed unmovable, it literally changes someone from the inside-out or 180 degrees from how they lived all their life, and knowing love defines all that you do and is what motivates you, day in and day out. Think about it. What motivates you? You’re always looking for that love. For some, it’s love of money. For others, it’s love of lust. It is only now that I choose the love of God, and I have seen for myself and from others how it can change anything and everything.
When I first came to the Philippines, I really didn’t have an idea how I was going to change poverty while I was there. I just knew that it was in my heart to do something about it and I knew there would be millions that will be effected in the work that I would participate in. I just didn’t know to what detail that would be. I first started thinking that it would be some sort of revolution to the political climate and government, but then that really didn’t follow God’s word of peace. And then I thought it would be radically transforming what the people did for money so they could get themselves out of poverty, but then that didn’t line up with how other people can exploit or sin against another, thus keeping others to remain in poverty. God revealed one day in the Bible from a saying from Jesus, “The poor you will always have with you” (Mark 4:17) so I was wondering, “then what am I here for God?” The Holy Spirit one day revealed that the only true change that could happen was in the heart and mind and soul of a person. The underlying values, passions and desires of a person, if in alignment with God and his Word would radically transform that person, and in turn effect everyone around them as they would be a witness to a changed life and teach others of what they have gone through and what the truth says from God’s Word. This is where literally millions if not billions will be changed, exponentially, all starting from each and every person you have a relationship with and what you share and then in turn them sharing it with others. God will make it grow in his timing and in his will. This love conquers all and moves all.
Thank you God for everything. All this is for you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Choosing God every day of your life, in every aspect
This is the 7th day my brother Johnathon and Moina have been here in the Philippines. We have been traveling doing different things from going to eat at restaurants, going out to a club or a mall, and recently just visiting with Moina’s cousins to eat. From going out to so many different places, doing things a little bit different from my normal routine, I have come to see there have been a few more temptation than usual since we have been doing things that I would consider more worldly. From the money that is spent on traveling, food and amusement to the people that we are hanging around with.
I have been brought to reflect on a few things:
- To not be self-righteous
- It is all the more important for those that don’t know God to be there as much as opportunity allows and to how God leads the situation and you by the Holy Spirit
- Do all we can to choose God everyday of our lives to serve and to obey all his commands
The Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God, his Bible. I cherish this more than my daily bread.
Serving the Body of Jesus - Hosting games for the youth at Victory Church north triangle - Back to the Bible
Working in the fields - Spending time with the children in a nearby community - Barangay Arboretum
All in all I have come to understand that it is entirely by God’s grace that we are able to function on a daily. Even while I didn’t have an intimate relationship or know God’s Word, he protected me and allowed me to learn from my mistakes. I don’t resent anything of the past and from all that has been experienced, each and every one of those situations has been used to build my character up to serve God and people on a daily, and for me to be able to witness how Jesus has changed and is working in my life. Just a list of some things that I do now and what has changed:
- I read the Bible daily
I feel awkward if I don’t get to read, similar to the feeling you get if you have just left your house and have forgotten something at home that you know you are forgetting but just can’t remember what it is. Or an imbalanced feeling that I get - I pray daily, I pray all day no matter what I am doing
Like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, or eating a meal in order to function, I don’t forget to pray in the morning to give thanks to the Lord and to ask him to guide me and to pray for others that I care for and love and for those that I don’t know in other ministries around the world, as well as the strength for the church and brothers and sisters everywhere. At night time I pray about the sins I have committed, asking for forgiveness and repenting, forgiving those that have sinned against me, and just thank the Lord for all the blessings of today from what God provides or for the lessons learned and to ask for insight and wisdom of every and all situations that I can receive and impart to others.
Throughout the day I try not forget to pray before making any decisions, from the seemingly smallest in terms of deciding what to eat to the seemingly biggest as to where I should go and whom I am to spend time with. All day I am asking God for strength or discernment for a specific task, I pray under my breath before I speak to an individual or speaking before a group and I pray constantly as I am walking or in passing to another area or as soon as I feel temptation to sin: in pride, in immorality, in anger, in judging…anything. I pray to God all day for everything I recognize as such a blessing, even in seemingly negative circumstances. They are seemingly negative as I understand any hardships, challenges or people that sin against me is an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to apply God’s Word. - In everything I see God is in it and created it
I constantly find myself reflecting and understanding God has created everything and everyone. I never forget the skies and earth that God created. I constantly reflect on the people and the things that are inspired into creation such as technology, buildings, structures, social constructs and culture. I realize all comes from God and it amazes me the myriad of things God has created and interconnected. This makes me never forget God and allows me never to forget that he is in everything. - I care and love others like never before
God has blessed my heart and continues to open it to those around me. This is what I have been most thankful for besides the first and foremost of Jesus life, death and resurrection; God’s gift to us and his love, grace and mercy on our lives and souls. I thank so much that I can truly love and know him, and truly love others and desire to love so greatly.
Thank you Lord for your love. Thank you so much for saving me. I pray you continue to open my heart to love and choose you all the days of my life, and that I can serve you as much as you want me to, and I can love you and love everyone you connect me with to greater than I can ever imagine. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
3 brothers and a lifetime of learning
Today was fruitful for each and every brother God linked me up with today.
We are on the 33rd chapter out of 40 of the Purpose Driven Life book and God is guiding us through how we are created for his pleasure, that we are created to be part of his family, that we are created to be like his son Jesus, that we are to serve based on our SHAPE: S.piritual gifts, H.eart, A.bilities, P.ersonality and E.xperience, and that we are created for a mission. Alain is continuing to bear good fruit, no matter the circumstance, and I thank the Lord for his strong presence and constant grace and love that he gives to both of us and those around us.

Today is our 3rd meeting for Victory Church’s 1-to-1 booklet, which is provided by the church (50 pesos) to disciple and prepare members or new-comers for a weekend retreat called Victory Weekend. This prepares people to further understand their relationship with God and enable them continue their walk strongly in honoring God and making disciples as we are commanded to do. I see how God is continuing to give Jaime clarity and how he is opening up to others around him.

Meeting at Ken Afford Filipino restaurant, we went to Kopi Roti off of Katipunan road to get some dessert and coffee. My friend Patrick blessed me with a Recovery Version Bible that just has new testament but there is some details for particular verses within each book of the Bible. God always shows grace and fruit. The conversation lead from confessed sin, to how God is working in his life through different girls and brothers, and how God’s and his Word is the only true thing that will change someone’s life. Towards the end the truth was revealed of a fear. A fear that he will never find the one, true girl in his life. The one that he is supposed to marry. The one that will make him experience complete joy and happiness.

I have come to see we are all looking for this. And before I started my relationship with God and before trusting my life to Jesus, I always felt an emptiness and was searching to fill that hole or that gap or that dissatisfaction. Our common mistake is that we tend to look for it in front of us, behind us, and to all the sides. We neglect to look first where we will find that person, and we actually make the mistake that we think it’s in a person. We are to look toward God first, to have a relationship with him first, so we can trust in his knowledge and truth on how we are to be, who we are to be with (if that’s his will for our lives), and when that will be.
When you understand whom God is, how he is your entire life, everything falls into place and you accept the completeness that he makes. The void is filled and each and everyday of your life is filled with joy, peace, faithfulness, love, kindness, gentleness, self-control…all the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Whether you have a wife or not, you are complete. Whether you have money or not, you are complete. Whether you are in favorable circumstances or not, you are complete. This is the life that I would love to know and be in, and that I am living in now. It’s because of me knowing intimately now whom God is, how he wants me to live my life, and with whom I am to live my life with now. I live my life now with Moina, my immediate family, my friends, the community in the Philippines and in Los Angeles, people across the states in New York, Illinois, people back in all around the Philippines, people I don’t even know their names, the kids in Barangay Arboretum, the new people I meet through brothers and sisters at church, the people I meet in passing…everyone! He wants me to live with all these people. To have true, authentic, deep relationship with them in love, encouragement, praying and God at the center. They will come to know Jesus in one way or another, God willing.
More and more I see we will learn from God, people and our experiences for all the days of our lives. The more I see and am thankful that we have Jesus and God’s Word for each and every one of those days to lean on for understanding, help and strength. Thank you Jesus.
I pray Lord, thank you for the blessing on growing with these brothers and being able to share your Word and the testimony of how Jesus has changed my life. Each and every time Father I learn more and more and grow in faith and trust in you Jesus. Holy Spirit, be with each and every one of these brothers so they continue to grow their desire to seek and live by your Word, guide them to truth and understanding and wisdom for their life, and that they can turn away from all the patterns of this world and truly test and approve your good, pleasing and perfect will, from now and for the rest of the days of their lives. Thank you God for always showing faithfulness and answering prayers, and I thank you Lord for your love and unconditional grace. In Jesus loving name I pray. Amen.
Friday, March 6, 2009
God’s will for my life – rocking climbing and MCing?
Today was fruitful and blessed in serving and learning. Throughout the day, different lessons and opportunities to abide in God’s teaching of course always come up and today it was the usual amazing events that God lines up. There was an opportunity to help the poor, help a brother in need, help the Church with youth services, then to learn about biblical teachings for couples that will be getting married or are married already, and now awaiting for a brother to share with teachings from the Bible and the Purpose Driven Life book (Day 26. Yes! Thank you Lord for teaching commitment, discipline and faithfulness). After going through all this, I wanted to be sure to write this down as I have become accustomed to just experience a lot of amazing things and not being able to write it down. I am now taking action so as not to let that happen so I can be sure to further understand the lessons and insights today so I can take it with me everywhere I go, and share it to all that I know and that these writings come across to.
The end of the night after the couples Bible study, I was introduced with 2 interesting opportunities. One, to begin rock climbing at a local gym so as to be part of the community there. I have been wanting to rock climb for some time now and I think someone here in the Philippines has been telling me that they rock climb. I have to remember who it was so that I can invite them if God leads me to go. Secondly, I have been invited to MC a wedding reception. I have been hosting a couple of events at Church for games that were being set up outside in the meeting area for the congregation to participate in. If I MC the wedding, the only thing I see that I need to do is really get some clothes to wear and to pray for God's guidance :)
Before making any decisions I make it a point to pray and see what God reveals. I have lived 30 years of my life making my own decisions based on the culture, tradition and society around me. Instead of turning to the world all the time, it’s time to turn to God that created the world that knows the best for how we should live our lives. I want to make sure my desires are in alignment with his and that I don’t stray off any path he wants me on. Thank you Lord.
Also tonight, a man named James Lee, an evangelist at Christian Baptist in Paranaque City came up to Alain and I when we were about to end in prayer from our meeting at KFC in Ortigas. It was interesting because he saw our Bibles out and the Purpose Driven Life book. His Korean accent was strong but he was asking questions about being born again and also just faith in Jesus and what does it mean to “believe”. He’s an evangelist so he was asking probing questions as a talking point so he can share with us his purpose in the Philippines. He wanted to share more with us but it was almost 1am and Alain and I were about to leave to go eat. I asked James to join us next Monday at 10pm.
A lot of lessons again today, from gaining insight on some things that can be done in the Arboretum ministry, to insight of how hope in God and his promises builds up faith, which is a pillar in marriage as it parallels how we are to have hope and faith in marriage for it to be strong. Lessons in remaining humble when given praise peppered throughout the day and I thank God for the lessons. I am learning to detest pride and to safeguard myself by being sure to turn to Jesus for help whenever there is a hint or something that comes up that may trigger it.
On humility and pride
Luke 14:7-11
“7When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable: 8"When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. 9If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, 'Give this man your seat.' Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. 10But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, 'Friend, move up to a better place.' Then you will be honored in the presence of all your fellow guests. 11For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
On leaning on God’s guidance and his desires, not our own
Philippians 2:11-13
“12Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.”
Psalm 25:4-5
“4 Show me your ways, O LORD,
teach me your paths;
5 guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.”
Monday, March 2, 2009
Technology to share about God, his Word, and the Gospel of Jesus
I came across this website today as I was doing research for a client and I saw this video below from a company called Common Craft, I somehow came across, a website that allows people to share short messages to each other as they go throughout their day. The easiest way to do this is to enable your mobile phone to send message to your twitter account, and people subscribe or add you as their contact so they are notified if you send an update. On, they had a video to explain what twitter is and it was amazing to watch the simplicity in the presentation.
Common Craft’s vision and mission is to create online videos that “are short, simple and focused on making complex ideas easy to understand. We use a whiteboard-and-paper format we call Paperworks that is designed to cut out the noise and stick to what matters.”
As I was watching this I was reflecting on how I have been using technology to share with others through my blog what I have been learning about my relationship with God, the life of Jesus and how the Bible has been the foundation of all that I do now because of his teachings and how the relationship has been growing. The other form of technology I’m using is Instant Chat messages (such as Yahoo Messenger, AIM, or MSN Messenger) to discuss and share links to websites like this online Bible to share verses called BibleGateway: On a daily I have been able to see how constant communication through the blog and chat messages with friends around the world has been able to start opening the eyes and hearts of people looking for answers to their questions.

More and more I see how God is allowing us to connect with each other through the use of technology and the possibilities of exposing people to truth with access that was not there years ago.
Thank you God for this opportunity and blessing and I pray that you lead us Lord for understanding, wisdom and will to act on what you would like us to do with the technology to share the Good News to all around the community and the world. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Lessons today from God and the amazing blessing of watching how God transforms a life
Today Jesus taught me about:
- How God wants us to treat the poor
- Protecting the unity of the Church
- How God transforms our lives to free us from our old lives of sin
- We will learn from God our whole lives, in every single aspect and situation he has us in
Today I spent time with Alain in his hometown of Fairview. I’m blown away by how God changes people’s lives. I am thankful to the Lord of being able to watch and be with a brother in his time of need. We are on our 21st day and chapter of Purpose Driven Life and I have to say this book from pastor Rick Warren has been guiding us to God’s Word and giving insight of his will and purpose in general for our lives. I have seen it open up Alain to refocus and reevaluate all the things in his life from relationships at work, home and in Church.
People's homes off of the main highway, Commonwealth Ave. On my way to Fairview city
The day started with meeting Alain at SM Fairview (the big mall in North Fairview city). I almost threw up from motion sickness on these air-conditioned buses. I had to get off near Philcoa and I reflected on the community that we didn’t go to today that we usually spend time at every Saturday. I wondered if I could go there myself. It’s true that if you have help with another person, you get more return for your work. So I have prayed to Jesus on what I am to learn about the day being postponed for next week’s events.
With Barangay Arboretum kids at saturday's outreach. Alex on my left, his first time there
I arrived at SM Fairview right at the same time as Alain did and he was able to reflect on the morning as he was not able to meet up with his morning appointment with a pastor because the pastor was sick. We prayed for the pastor and discussed the events this morning up until our lunch at Wham! Burgers (good burgers by the way for cheap). As we finished, 2 little girls came up to us, probably ages 5 and 7, holding a piece of paper with some writing. They held out their hand gesturing to ask for money. We hesitated and I asked them if they wanted my half-drank Fit n’ Right juice. They said yes and Alain gave them 10 pesos.
I asked Alain what he felt about that incident and it brought up past thoughts of how my attitude used to be about the poor. I had no care for them, I would only give when I felt like it, and often I second guessed if it was helping them or enabling them to remain in a begging condition. I suggested we go into God’s Word and read some verses in the Bible from looking at the index of my Life Application Study Bible that my brother Jin Kim had blessed me with back in June of 2008. This has been my armor, my helmet, my shield and my sword; all of my protection against remaining in darkness of my old life of loss and confusion.
Ephesians 6:13-17
“13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Thank you Lord for your word.
Verses about giving us insight to help the poor were: Proverbs 14:31, Amos 5:12, and Galatians 2:10. God blesses us with the opportunity to help the poor and needy when they come to ask and they ask us exactly how we can help. The least we can do is to give the little we have. Better yet, love with your heart openly the way God intends and give cheerfully and with joy knowing you are obeying and loving God when you do so.
Mother sleeping with child off of Aurora Blvd near Katipunan Ave in Quezon City
I was quickly comparing to what we gave them: we gave them a measly 20 cents (USD conversion) and a drink I half drank and didn’t like. I pray that we can always give without hesitation and always give our best, since our best is not ours to begin with and we should give gracefully (where recipient receives an unmerited gift) as God gives to us gracefully with us allowing to be forgiven of our sins and having eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ even though we sin, constantly. I pray to Jesus that our hearts can open up to how he wants us to be with everyone, especially those in need regardless if they are poor or rich in wealth. I’m also really concerned for those that are poor in spirit.
Alain and I praised God for this lesson and then went to Wendy’s to read our chapter on Protecting the unity of the Church. I asked that Alain lead and I can see there is a different dynamic when someone moves from listening to being the one that shared by leading. They receive more insights and get to direct the flow of the conversation. I know God was moving in Alain’s heart as he felt convicted to show his appreciation to those that have helped him thus far. Alain shared that we must always thank and help our leaders as they have great responsibilities for the entire congregation. I pray all of the believers in the world can seek unity and building of the imperfect church. We are all sinners and created differently. By our nature there will be issues. But with God’s help and guidance, and us open to his will for our lives, he will be loved and served. Thank you Lord.
Continuing to reflect on the day after watching Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (terrible movie) and then having merienda (snack) at Alain’s house, the Holy Spirit lead us that we will be learning throughout our entire lives in every single moment and experience that God has us in. There is hope, there is joy, there is peace, there is strength and there is excitement knowing that God has his best interests in us, for us, and with us. Thank you Father for your love. God, please guide as how to serve, grow and love you.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
On commitment, learning it from God
The past 5 days I’ve just been going around and meeting with people. Last Monday I was able to meet with Alex to talk about some things he was going through. Every night I am able to meet with Alain to continue our journey through the Purpose Driven Life by pastor Rick Warren. It’s such a great book and I see how an understanding of God and love continues to grow. It’s a blessing to see Alain continue to grow his relationship with Jesus at the same time.

Surfing in County Line, California
I was supposed to go with a friend surfing in an area here called La Union. I didn’t have any extra funds to go there but I already have a commitment to my friend and brother Alain to meet with him everyday for 40 days. I commit to this with such a joy as I get to have close and authentic fellowship with a brother and we are growing together with the Lord. I commit to this with such a joy because I’m doing it with Jesus for Jesus so that we can understand the teachings in the Bible and how he wants us to be and what we are to do for our lives for him.
I have been tested on this and seen people in my life tested on commitment. We learn about commitment from God in how he continues to work on our hearts even though we are fickle with our faithfulness. He continues to love us even though we continue to sin and get caught up with the things of this world. He’s committed to us as I see more and more of how he moves in people’s hearts to make a difference in people’s lives, to help them in their trials, to help carry their burdens in their suffering, and to encourage them to learn more about the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, and his Word.
Thank you God for all you do for us. Thank you God for saving me.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Lord visited me, amazing experience with the Holy Spirit
The Lord was with me for 30 minutes right now, anointing me with something of some kind. His presence and feeling in and on my heart, as if I couldn’t breathe but I kept saying I thank him for coming and giving me his presence and whatever it is. I got the impression that people that he has connected me with will feel his presence differently and more now. In the height of the experience, I began praying for a lot of different people to be saved: Jed, Jonar, Rex, Rhett, Dad, Mom, nieces, nephews, Nick, Paul, James, PJ, Red, Astrid, Cian, Jeff, Baldomeros, Moina’s family, Vivi, and some others.
I was completely crying. At one point, when God touched my heart, I cringed on my side, overwhelmed, and couldn’t breathe but I didn’t want him to stop. I continued just to say thank you and I was aware trying to describe the situation while praying and speaking to Moina on the phone. At the end, God gave me a complete peace. I was giving thanks and praise calmly and then my heart started to grow heavy recounting the events on walking home tonight and seeing a whole neighborhood celebrating some homosexuals dancing and people drinking alcohol on the street. The street was dark and I immediately imagined how that particular moment could have been like the times thousands of years ago.
God always has Moina witness these things as I recount to her the days events. She was there when I surrendered my life to Jesus on June 8, 2008 and she was there when the Holy Sprit came in April of 2008. Now she had witnessed on February 22, 2009 the visiting from God of some sort. I kept telling her how amazing it feels and that there’s no way to describe what happened. No one can understand the gist of how God just came to me so they will just see it by how they experience God through the love that he puts in my heart and interactions with others.
I talked to brother Rocky to describe the event and he mentioned it may have been a refreshing from the previous day of being overwhelmed and deceit of the Devil of having too much on my plate, from addressing wedding questions, figuring out how to mediate between Lei from Metro Ministries and Bimbo and Zandro not able to attend their promotion dinner, discipling people in the States in the morning and then coming back from discipling Alain. I prayed to God that I never grow weary of following him and that I am given discernment and grace to continue the desires of his life of mine to glorify his name and serve his purpose. I will pray for understanding and discernment for tonight’s event.
Thank you Lord for coming to me, thank you for this experience and I pray you reveal what I am to do or to continue to do. Thank you Jesus, my brother, my savior, my redeemer, my high priest, my protector. All glory to you God, in Jesus name I pray. Amen
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Lord came to me in my dream and spoke to me this morning
Thank you Jesus for coming to me Lord. I love you God. In your mighty name and for all your glory I pray, Amen.
God came to me and spoke to me. As if face to face, while I slept. So intimate and close as brothers and friends do when they want to tell you something important. All night tonight God was trying to give me visions but I did not understand them. I pray for understanding and wisdom for the purpose of those. But before I woke or while half asleep, I had a short conversation with Jesus. I asked him, “Father, can you tell me more about resurrection? What does it mean? And what happens? How will we know?”
The Father replied, “Your whole essence will come into me, you’re entire being, so you will know.” And then a vision as if molecules ascended, it was as if it was a picture of what was to come in the future. I was so humbled that he even came to me. I never had an experience like this, I’ve only had the privilege by the feeling of his presence constantly. Him coming face to face with me, I can’t even remember his face, only that he was there. I quickly felt so amazed, honored and then quickly that I didn’t feel worthy to witness his presence. But he knows exactly what needed to happen for me, in whatever form he chose to appear, and I thank him for this, thank you Lord, thank you Father, thank you God.
I am still in awe. This just happened. The feeling of unworthiness came in realizing how you are in comparison to something you can’t even fathom, that created all of us and this world, everything in it. When you come to understand even a fraction of this, I promise you, you will feel unworthy. God gives us all the grace, no matter how much we can obey and follow his commands. I just feel that he is pleased in what I have been doing, and I pray that I can even do more for him, great things for him, all for him, lead by him.
The least I can do is to follow his commands, both out of obedience and out of such a love for him and joy in following, expressing it now for all to see. I love you God, I love you.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Arboretum plans and issues, Reconciliation and Continued hunger in learning about God and the Bible
This is my 3rd day with my friend in going over Pastor Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life and in stories/verses in the Bible. This book was a great eye-opener when I first started learning about the truth of God and the Christian faith and I pray it helps many more people as well. Going through this book a second time has provided more insight and a deeper understanding of the concepts, God’s character and the will of God for our lives.

Purpose Driven Life book
Earlier today I was able to spend time with brothers to go over plans for Arboretum for future and how to deal with current issues within the community. There were issues before we started there and now that we are more involved with the community, we are starting to see and feel them. It’s such a blessing to be around the heart and drive that Pons, Bimbo and Zandro have in continuing with the work with diligence and level-headedness. For me, I learned not to let emotions or pride get in the way of listening to what the peoples needs are, not to let it effect us in our action or our speech in responding in haste, and to not let these stumbling blocks effect the community as a whole from benefiting from our presence.
My only prayer is that our presence doesn’t add to the issues but helps to resolve them and teach by example of how we can resolve or own personal issues and perseverance through adversity. We will inevitably make mistakes, but with the help of wise counsel, focusing and committing our plans and hearts to the Lord, and with careful preparation and execution, the ministry and outreach will be fruitful with the majority benefiting.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sharing God’s Word with friends that need it

I recently had the blessing to be able to share God’s words in the Bible with a close friend of mine and brother that needs and is looking to understand God and his Word more. I was able to witness how this changes others and I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to guide him in being free in his new life with Jesus Christ.
God is giving me the opportunity to share and teach the word to the others. As I am being discipled by others, I am now able to disciple others. Disciple means to be a student or to follow a teaching. Following God’s words and learning about Jesus, you become a disciple of Jesus. Apart from just gaining knowledge, you truly understand and gain wisdom when you apply that knowledge to your life and can share it with others.
Thank you God for giving me the opportunities to learn and share it with others. I ask and pray that the Holy Spirit guides us all in your Word and your teachings. Be with us always Father to give us strength to follow, clarity to see, and understanding to love. Thank you God, Thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit. In Jesus loving name I pray, Amen.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
God’s faithfulness and his will for my life - Answered prayers for people to disciple
Thursday, 4:53pm – Mandaluyong City, Philippines
God answered my prayers of people to disciple and if he wanted me to do it. In my heart is to share God’s word to everyone around me. I get to practice with a friend from the States and now a brother here in the Philippines. I thank the Lord for the blessing of both for me to begin this and also for these brothers to receive his Word. I pray that I don’t add or take anything away, and that I just take the steps on providing the Word but that the Holy Spirit is always there guiding us on what we should go over. I am waiting and praying for when my roommate will be open for me to share the Bible with him on a consistent basis. Please pray that he attends this Sunday’s Victory service for “1 Life to Live”.
I know we will grow understanding more about God and how to apply his commands to our life. I pray God gives us the strength, boldness and discernment on what to apply and when so that we may gain wisdom and impart that wisdom with others.
Thank you Jesus for you life, thank you Holy Spirit for being our Counselor and thank you God for your love in everything.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What’s in a name? The meanings of a few and how it can define your life

Ever since I was young, in grade school from what I can remember, I always thought the name of a person was very important. As if someone’s name really represented who they are and what they were destined to be. Being of Filipino descent, growing up in Burbank, California I would experience slight prejudice on occasions. Some people thought I was Chinese, many thought I was of Mexican heritage. But since my name was “Ryan”, an Irish name, it made all the things more confusing. I wanted a different name, a cooler name. I thought “Ryan” was so plain and ordinary. I wanted a name to stand out from the crowd.
Later I came to understand from a book on names that one meaning of “Ryan” was Little King. I used to think, “this is cool” but then again, I was short amongst the other kids and even until now I am still short but when I was growing up, my height was a slight insecurity. I remember wishing I could become taller to see how it would be and how people would treat me. It wouldn’t be until I was 26 years old and started racing motorcycles did I find my height and smaller frame as a competitive advantage. Thank you God for my size.
I just read this morning in the book of Luke that the name John means “The Lord is gracious” and that the name Jesus means “The Lord saves”, both from Hebrew. Reading this I have realized there is a lot in a name. So much that an Angel named Gabriel came to earth to tell a prophet named Zechariah (his name means “God Remembers”) that him and his wife will have a son and they shall name him John. He was given this name. It was and is important. It represents what he was set apart to do for God and the people of this world, to pave the way for the coming of the Messiah, or the “Anointed”, or Jesus. God is gracious and God saves.
We are all given the blessing of life and our particular skills, talents and abilities. We are also given a name from our parents but I expect divinely by God.
I pray we all come to understand what we are set out to do on this earth, so that God can be glorified and all on this earth benefit from the lives we live. Thank you Jesus, in your name I pray. Amen.
Sign from God – he keeps showing me my race number, 48

1:48 - Truck in-dash clock : January 15, 2009
I began racing in 2005 and quickly became passionate and addicted to motorcycle racing and riding. I put all my effort to practice, train, and study to keep on improving and to be superior in competition. From 2006 to 2008 I would win championships and make it to the professional level. Coming to search for God and start a relationship with Jesus changed the course of my life since April of 2008.

148 - Visiting Moina's Grandma in the hospital: January 2, 2009
Today I am in the Philippines, building the foundations of the Christian faith and serving in the poor communities, squatter areas, where economy, social structure, basic necessities and love for God is needed to combat against the sin and evil in this world in individuals and structures in society. Taking a 2-weekend class with Professor Mel Luna of Extra Mile Foundation gave knowledge and insight of the causes of the issues that plague the Barangay Arboretum community that friends and I from Victory Church have been participating and volunteering our time since September of 2008.

1.48 - Eating at a Mediterranean restaurant with Moina: January 2, 2009
Committing my life to Jesus Christ on June 8, 2008 has been a rapid journey of living by the Holy Spirit, being guided by the teaching and word of God in the Bible, and just having faith in the convictions in my heart to connect with various individuals both in California and in the Philippines. The more I read, pray and am obedient, the more I learn and am filled with the joy of following God and having an intimate relationship with him.

648 - playing Solitaire on my Ipod video: December 23, 2008
I have learned to turn away from the old patterns of desires that would never satisfy me. I have found the peace and joy in building and nurturing the relationships I have with friends, family and church family. My eyes have opened to what it means to put others before myself, to serve and love God and to live by faith. I have now come to know that Moina will be my wife and I am still constantly finding God in all that I see and do, everyday and every moment in my life and I praise God and continue to be amazed and wonder how I can show my love back. God will show me. He’s brought me this far, and I’m just waiting to know where to go to next.

48 - Bose advertisment at SM North, The Block: December 5, 2008
I love you God. Thank you, please show me how I can become even closer to you, and share and teach others about you, so they can start or grow their relationship with you as well. In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

048 - Tricycle license plate in Mandaluyong City where I live: November 23, 2008
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Putting what we learn into practice and action
Saturday, 10:18pm – Mandaluyong City, Philippines
It’s important in the learning process that we apply what we have come to know so that we may gain wisdom. This wisdom is powerful in leading our lives to be fruitful and joyous, as well as empowering for others when we share that wisdom with them and they apply it to their own lives. Praise God.
Philippians 4:9
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Matthew 7:24-27
24"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."
Little boy at stair well of public transportation rail system
Community Development Training with Professor Mel Luna and Extra Mile Foundation
Kids at Barangay Arboretum - January 31, 2009
Dancing with these munchkins today also
Thursday, January 29, 2009
How can I get to know God and his will?
Thursday, 2:18pm – Mandaluyong City, Philippines
God has been blessing me with a lot of opportunities on how to get to know him more, his character, his will, and also topics of obedience. In Bible study group yesterday, Jose that lead the group went over Romans 12:2:
“2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
To get to know someone/something, we must spend time and be open to get to know them/it. Below are some questions regarding this verse, and some readings in the Bible to get a clearer picture of God, his Word and his character.
How do we not conform any longer to the patterns of this world?
- Know what is considered sin and what are things of this world.
-Exodus 20:12 – 17
-Galatians 5:19 – 21 - Concentrate on things that are holy and good.
-Philippians 4:8 - Learn when to say no, and when to say yes.
-1 Corinthians 10:13
How do we allow ourselves to be transformed by the renewing of our minds?
- To listen, learn and live by the Holy Spirit
-John 16:13
-Galatians 5:22 – 26
How do we test and approve God’s will?
- To try and apply what we learn from the Bible, put it into practice
-Philippians 4:9
-Matthew 7:24-27
-All of Proverbs
What is God’s good, pleasing and perfect will?
- His character revealed: loving, compassionate, protective, caring, comforting peaceful
-John 3:16
-Psalm 23
-2 Corinthians 1:3-7
-Philippians 4:5-7
-John 15:9-17
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Back in the Philippines, blessing of marriage from family and friends
- Blessing from Christine for Moina and I, for our marriage and our healing and forgiveness of our past. We love you so much Christine
- Verse she shared about repairing broken family life or past:
Isaiah 58:11-12
“11 The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins
and will raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” - Alignment with wisdom shared from mentor Rocky about reconciling relationship with father and mother, so generational curses and sins do not get passed down, when Moina and I marry, and if God blesses us with children
My mentor and brother - Rocky, visiting me at the motorcycle track in Fontana, California
Moina and Christine at Savoy restaurant
Ryan and Moina at Savoy restaurant
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Shadow of Christ in Leviticus, spending time preaching to the homeless in downtown Los Angeles, and seeking God you will find
Reading old testament deepens your understanding of the new testament and the life of Jesus Christ. Many times, the people cited in the new testament would refer to old testament Scripture to provide examples of what they were trying to explain or teach. Yesterday, Moina and I went to the ministry we go to every Friday in Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles where our brothers in Christ, Cue and Mercy preach the Word. They have been in the book of Leviticus ever since I met them about 5 months ago. From what others have said, it’s not a highly desirable book in the Bible to go through. I imagine it is because of the list of laws and rules on how the Israelites were to live their lives and to conform to. There are details of how to prepare for certain sacrifices and offerings made to God depending on the sin.
The great thing here though is that it teaches us how to live godly lives, in a standard of living that is good for us. God gaves us these laws to serve several purposes, here are some:
- so that we can try to live to his standard through faith,
- because he knows what’s best for us and
- because this was a setup to the coming of Jesus Christ, a shadow of Christ, to be the perfect solution to our sinful nature.
Moina and friends serving Cup-O-Noodle and waters
We went through Leviticus 13:1-46 and how God tells us to treat those that have signs or have leprosy.
Leviticus 13:1 - 3
“ 1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 2 "When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a bright spot on his skin that may become an infectious skin disease, he must be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons who is a priest. 3 The priest is to examine the sore on his skin, and if the hair in the sore has turned white and the sore appears to be more than skin deep, it is an infectious skin disease. When the priest examines him, he shall pronounce him ceremonially unclean.”
Someone that had a skin irregularity, was to go to the priest. The priest would examine and determine if the person is well or should be removed from the group, in isolation, for 7 days. After those 7 days, he will be brought back to the priest for examination again. The priest would determine if they are to return, or to remain in isolation if they are unclean. They would remain in isolation as long as they had the infection that made them unclean.
Jesus Christ is our high priest that we can always go to. It seems we always forget what we learn, or the the walk in following Jesus always is a struggle because of our daily trials and experiences of this life and world effect us, and we are in conflict with our sinful nature, trying to satisfy selfish desires. We can always turn to Jesus, the High Priest, to help us wherever we are at, if we just have faith or trust that he can and will do it.
Hebrews 4:14-16
“14Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
This was a foreshadowing for how people would turn to and come to Jesus for salvation from their uncleanness, or their sins. The thing is, we would just need to come to him once, to believe in him that he saves us from the sin that we continue to commit that separates us from God, to confess he is Lord, and we will be saved from our sin and have eternal life.
Romans 10:9-10
“9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
In looking at this one step back, I see that I have been sharing these verses with various people, and it only gives a snapshot. For those that do not know what the verses fully mean or if it’s hard to grasp the concepts of the verses, I encourage you to read into the stories further in the Bible. There’s a whole context of where these verses come from that will give you greater insight when you read it in its entirety. If you are already questioning, wondering or seeking, I have faith that you will come to know God. I am learning it’s all in God’s timing and in God’s will.
Matthew 7:7-12
7"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
9"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! 12So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Spending time with my brother Johnathon, introduction to more technology
I got to spend time with my brother Johnathon the past 2 days up in Sacramento. He showed me where he worked in downtown and much they praise and commend him on his hard work. I love that he’s in an environment that’s conducive to success and encouragement. I pray we all are within environments such as these to grow every aspect of our lives: spiritual, mental and physical. When I talk about environment, I know it has everything to do with your relationships. Whether it be co-workers, family, friends, spiritual family or strangers. Johnathon was also able to show me some presentation board, computer technology where the board hooks up to your computer or laptop to show what’s on screen so you can present or showcase information. A great way to share a myriad of information amongst co-workers and/or clients.
Here’s some pics and video of Moina and spending time with my brother Johnathon and his daughter Alyssa. I love you brother and thank you Lord for the time with family.
Hebrews 10:24-25
“24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
View more photos and video here:

Johathon and I walking indowntown for lunch

Inside lobby at Johnathon's work

Meeting room where presentation digital board is. On the left, pretty cool view also

View from the meeting room of a park next to their building and the state's capitol

Pearson - where Johnathon works in Sacramento, California

What's on Johnathon's desktop at work: Me, Johnathon and Alyssa

Moina, Alyssa and Ryan
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
How I came to know that she will be my wife, revelations and becoming holy with God
Tuesdays, 8:18am – Burbank, California, USA
Revelations this past week
- Revelation for unity and marriage with my wife
- Revelation of Devil and demon kingdom through journal of Monisa and sharing with Austin.
- Dream from Nov. 13 incident with Devil in the Philippines, parallel with descriptions
- Spending time with mentor, brothers from accountability group, family and friends
- Sin and revalations of love for Jesus and obeying God from Romans 5 – 8
Experiences this past week has shown and revealed and grown in my heart my love and commitment to my wife. There are several things that happened to finally show and come to me. I’ve been with my wife for about 5 years. We broke up a number of months ago but have always been connected closely and now that I came back to the States for the holidays, the time here has been a blessing and I have to say God has shown me whom I should spend my life with.
For years, people that have seen my wife and I and how we interact would say, “So when are you guys marrying each other?” Others would ask, “So where’s your wife?” Still others would say, “You guys are so perfect for each other.” I never realized that God’s connection for us was perfect until now.
The main things that lead me to this realization on this trip were:
- mentor Rocky prophesizing and showing me how my wife supports and can support me in serving/helping others
- seeing how my wife and I work together so greatly when reaching out and helping friends and family
- constantly seeing how my wife supports and loves me
- learning more about importance of relationships, unconditional love from my wife and God and the understanding of blessings of today
- God answering my prayers in how I can serve my wife and truly love her: by making her happy in the things she particularly cares for, being a loving husband and father as taught in the Bible, making her spiritually strong by leading her and being faithful to her for all of my life through faith and love in Jesus Christ
- Holy Spirit guiding me to other aspects of beauty:
-beauty of person from their heart and how they care for others
-beauty in serving the poor and needy
-beauty in woman in serving her man
-beauty in caring for children
-beauty in loving their family
-beauty in woman loving God
I just learned yesterday that what was keeping me from seeing that my wife was the person to be my wife was because of pride. Pride led me on a different path thinking that I should be looking elsewhere. Pride in me thought I was better than others and cut me off from relationships. Pride skewed my thinking that I knew what was best for me other than what God knows what is best for me. God gave us laws before and gave us teachings in the Bible, not to just show us that we are sinners, but because he lets us know what is good for us and he doesn’t have to go into detail if necessary since he is sovereign Lord providing so much love, blessing, grace and mercy to us. When we look into these things further, we see that he makes sure we always have the best and tries to keep us away from what will be harmful to us. I will note how this was revealed to me in another blog entry. (notes: Leviticus, old testament law, Jesus teachings)
A pastor friend of mine from the Philippines shared with me how he generally deals with decisions he makes. He told me this after I asked him how he knew his wife was “the one” he was to marry. He says there are 4 things that need to have a go in, a green, and if any of them don’t have it, then it generally is not a good direction to go in. The four things are:
- Is it is in God’s Word?
- Do you have peace with it?
- Does it make sense or is logical?
- What does wise, godly counsel say?
Thank you Lord for showing me, teaching me and loving me. I will show you how much I love you by loving her and everyone around me.