December 12, 2008: Friday – Flying over the Pacific Ocean and International Date Line
Right now it’s 12:46pm California time, and 4:46am Manila time and I’m flying over the Pacific Ocean, turning on my laptop in the dark, and trying to get used to the new time zone already. It’s a perfect time to get caught up in the last week of events and be able to reflect on all the ways God has been moving in my life and others. I was telling me roommate PJ the other day, “You know, God has been moving and been controlling a lot of the events that have happened in our life. It’s only now that I notice it because I’m paying attention.” These words hold so true and here are a few instances this past week, December 5 - December 12:
Last Friday – I finally got to watch the Philippine version of the play Hairspray. A sister named Monica was in it as well as TJ who was the main character Link. It was really cool to be able to see new friends in their profession and get to see what they are passionate it for. Monica is a singer and TJ a dancer and actor. Both are super nice and funny and I’m looking forward to more experiences and learning more about the two. I went with JB the Magician. (There are 2 JB’s I know, the other is JB the photographer/aspiring actor) JB the Magician I have gotten to know in the past month and we were able to spend some time in traffic sharing a little bit about our lives. God linked us specifically for that event to hang out and also to spend time in rush hour so that we can get a chance to talk. God models how we get closer in relationships by the chance for face-to-face talks and open hearted conversation.
Saturday – The Arboretum outreach and ministry that me and my friends from Victory QC church and Extra Mile Foundation is showing to grow and be in constant blessing from the Lord. I’ve noticed I use the words ‘friends’ and ‘brothers/sisters’ interchangeably. A brother or sister in Christ is merely recognizing the spiritual family and bond I have with these people in my life now that share the common love for Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God. I have also noticed about blessing as if it’s an off and on thing; God blesses us in every instance, whether in good or bad situation. They are blessings based on perspective. The results of a trial or tribulation in our life brings out good traits and lessons that we carry for the rest of our lives such as perseverance, understanding a purpose or direction God wants us in, or the great change that has happened in another person’s life with their relationship with God and others. When I mention “blessing”, it’s more for me to share that I recognize how God is working in each and every one of our lives.
The ministry that is happening in Arboretum is becoming more fruitful by the number of volunteers that are coming out and the donations of time, love, and money from the United States from friends of mine in the motorcycle racing community. I was telling my friends Bimbo and Pons last night when they were driving me to the airport, “Man, it’s so awesome how much $75 can buy. We just bought 120 toys for 60 kids. My sister just bought their kid 1 toy for $75 bucks! It’s really true what they say that ‘a little amount can literally feed a small village’!” It definitely can and I thank God that I was able to witness it and know how to be able to stretch the dollar. How we use our money and the value of it is all relative based on where you live. I came to understand that you end up adapting to your environment and you make due what’s needed for the area that you live.
New volunteers that came out is a new dear friend that I met through where my Aunt works named Annie. She came out last Saturday and she is coming to tomorrow’s big event for the Christmas party we are hosting in Arboretum. Two brothers named Alain and Jaime also came, as well as a sister named Steph. I love and thank God that I was able to witness the joy those people experienced and the love they felt interacting with the kids and the other volunteers. I am a little sad that I’m not able to attend the show tomorrow but I was privileged to help prepare and manage the U.S. donations for the items that were bought for the outreach:
- Food for 500+ people. A huge donation came from Pastor Ricky for food to feed 500+ people. Extra funds were needed for additional ingredients for that food.
- Gift bags for the 120+ toys for the boys and girls. There were even more donations from a push from the church to promote the Christmas event and now there was an extra 120+ gifts from church donations!
- 60 hygiene kits. Thank you God for my brother Kenji in the U.S. that you connected me with Lord. Kenji started his foundation the Leon and Mary Fields Foundation and he put together a program called Do Something Saturday (for more info, visit here: Kenji showed me the love he gives to the homeless in Los Angeles County by the hygiene kits he pool resources and people together to package and give out to the poor and needy. From U.S. donations, we put together kits that consist about 10 items in each bag for necessities including toothbrush, shampoo, towel, soap, nail cutter, etc. I’m so happy we were able to do a Do Something Saturday project here in the Philippines. I will show those kits and who we gave them out to when my friends send me pictures. Thank you Kenji.
- Cupcake treats. We were able to purchase 100 chocolate cupcakes made from my dear friend and sister Camille. Super tasty and I know the kids are going to love it. Camille is a super good baker and cook and she also put together an awesome Thanksgiving Dinner last month. It was very special and made me feel so much at home. Thank you and love you Camille!
- Props setup. Some funds were allocated to create the television set prop that is being made by creative brother Warren. I play basketball with Warren and he’s an architect in college and artist/designer outside of school. Thank you Warren.
Sunday – God connected me with Jaime from my Wednesday Bible study group (also called ‘small group’) to end up going to the Fort Bonifacio church in the Every Nation building for the 7pm service. There I spent a little time with friends from the Fort small group and I was introduced to a new brother named Alex. To see how God is working on Alex’s life is awesome and to witness it I can’t thank God enough.
Alex has been out of a job for the last 2 months. As soon as he mentioned this to me, not even 5 minutes after service ended and we were walking out of the room, 1 minute later I get a text from my dear friend Alain (from Quezon City small group) asking me if I knew anyone that needed a job for 1 month or so teaching English to Koreans. Alex just got layed off from a job at a call center and it just so happens he has experience teaching English to Koreans. God’s timing is always perfect.
The group all ate at High Street at a placed called New Orleans and I got to know Alex more and his vision to help the poor in the Philippines. He has a big heart in what he wants to do here so me and 2 other brothers, JB the Photographer and Ryan Manalastes prayed over him about his faith and him getting a job. I connected Alex and Alain and the next day Alex got the job. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers and showing us how you move through all of us.
God showed how he connects people’s lives and increases our faith and love for him and others by the situations that transpire. Alex had to go through those past 2 months of trials without having money or a job and having to deal with his attitude and relationships with people and God throughout. As in all situations, it was a blessing because now I know Alex drew closer to God and I pray he’s able to begin being diligent in reading the Bible and following God’s Word and by always honoring and praising him in all situations. The people that witnessed Alex’s life in this past week have their faith effected knowing that God answered our prayers. I love you God.
Monday to today – This whole week has been preparation for tomorrow’s Arboretum event. Each and everyday the connections with people and all that I did in every aspect I constantly reflected on God and was praying on what he wanted me to do and to give thanks to the lessons I learned each day about pride, honesty, continued love with others in unity, and honoring and sharing the love I have for Jesus in all I do. Everyday there is a chance to do ‘good’, show love and apply the lessons that is learned in the Bible. That is a blessing in itself because then we have a chance to grow in our relationship with God and everyone we come across in this life.
God has lined up things for me to go back to the United States for about a month to connect back with friends and family and spend time with them. I don’t doubt that relationships will grow in love for each other and with their individual relationships with God. No matter what happens in our life, good or bad, light or dark, I have come to know that every day and every thing in it is a blessing, a gift from God, to allow us to learn and love and live out or lives how God intended.
Holy God, I love you so much Father. I can’t thank you enough of all that you have provided and of the life I live now, knowing and learning more about you, acknowledging you and praising you in all I do, drawing closer to your children in this world, and having the opportunity to live a life learning more about the purposes you have for me. Almighty Lord, I pray that we all come to a point where we constantly obey what you want of us to do, because in all that you want us to do is good and out of love, and is what is best for us as an earthly parent is with their child. Thank you Lord for bringing about these revelations each and every day. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Austin and Monisa : May 31, 2008

Austin and Monisa : May 31, 2008